Dental News - Successful communication in your daily practice

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Successful communication in your daily practice

(Image: TarikVision/Shutterstock)

Wed. 30. January 2019


My dear readers, be cordially welcomed again to the series “Successful communication in your daily practice”. I am Dr Anna Maria Yiannikos, and I am in the happy position to present you the 4th part of this series filled with helpful communication protocols. This series includes the most popular and challenging scenarios that might occur at your dental practice, and how you can deal with them so that your patients always leave your practice feeling: “My dentist is THE BEST!”

The specialised communication protocol that will be presented to you today, and that will not only help you to solve your clinics communication problems but also to increase your revenues, is… how to promote a service or technology before you apply it. In the following, I will be describing 5 unique steps that will guarantee the increase of your patients’ interest!

Promoting a new service

Over the years, you will have the urge to buy new equipment, to launch new technologies or a new service at your clinic (like for example laser, CAD/CAM technology or implant treatment). Everyone knows that this is the correct approach if you want to keep ahead from competition and have a constant improve to the quality of your services.

Your concern of course is how you will inform your patients as soon as possible about this new development in order to have the desirable impact and results. You want to boost their interest in your new service so that they will accept it immediately when you propose it to them for the first time.

5 steps to promote a new service

Congratulation! You have decided on widening your portfolio to another great service or technology! After having implemented the new service, take a second to think of what you are expecting from it. Do you expect to gain an increase on sales, on profits, and an immediate ROI (Return On Investment)? Just picture yourself receiving the above results successfully by using only the following 5 essential steps.

Step 1: Clarify your patients’ interests

Before you are going to apply the unique new technology in your dental clinic (although you have already ordered it from your supplier), make a short patient survey in which you should ask the following questions:

“Tick the most desirable new technology that you find essential for your dental treatment.” (Technologies listed below)


“In case that we have this new service, would you choose it?”


“Would you share the information of this new technology or service that you have heard of we are offering at our clinic?”

Be sure that your patients already know about the benefits of the new technology you want to apply in your practice. Otherwise, rephrase the question. In case of buying a laser device, the question could be for example:

“Would you be interested to get a filling without pain, drill, and anaesthesia with our latest laser technology equipment?”

After having clarified your patients’ interests, proceed with step 2. But, you should be careful with the following step! Although, you probably might already know that you are going to implement a certain new service, you should be 100 % sure of this before starting a promotional campaign to educate your patients. Otherwise, you might lose them. Once a desire is initially raised, they might try to find a similar service elsewhere, and switch to one of your colleagues/competitors instead.

Step 2: Educate your patients

Start educating your patients through your blog, articles on your Facebook page, and your website. Be sure to thoroughly explain to them the WIIFM (What’s In It For Me) concept—the actual benefits for them! Otherwise, I will guarantee you that they will not pay any attention to what you are saying or doing.

Step 3: Talk personally

Talk personally with your patients regarding the upcoming technology when you have them on spot. When talking to them, you should use phrases like:

“Because you are one of the most valuable patients we have, I would like you to be one of the first to know that we will soon have this unique service at our clinic…”

Step 4: Use opinion leaders

Another crucial step in order to promote your new service is to talk about it when you are in social gatherings. You should treat this “news” like it was gossip, as if you are informing your close friends about the latest trend they need to know all about. Grab the opportunity when you go out with friends and talk about the new thing at your clinic that you are so excited about. Remember: Always explain the benefits!

Furthermore, you can educate the public by making your own VIP seminars at your clinic. This is a very powerful promotion tool that I can highly encourage you to use.

Step 5: Be the expert

It does not matter whether other practices offer the technology or technique you have recently implemented to your practice as well. What is crucial is to demonstrate and emphasise those points that differentiates your service from others. Differentiation points could be your unique specialisation in this certain subject, or remarkable courses that you attended in order to gain expertise. Don’t be shy to inform the public of how well-educated you are in this special new service or technology.

Just do it!

Isn’t that easy? In applying these 5 steps, you will be well-prepared when launching the actual new service or technology. Your patients will already await your new service and will be excited about it. Imagine that they will wait in line for your latest service to be applied at them! I always implement the above 5 steps when I have a new service to introduce to my patients.

These strategy is definitely working, which I can tell you from my own experiences. When I bought my first laser device 15 years ago for example, investment costs were actually covered within six months. You think that this is too difficult? Not at all! You only have to focus, be prepared, and use the 5 steps strategically!

In the next issue of roots magazine, I will present to you the fifth part of this unique series of communication concepts. In this, I will teach you how to deal with a bad online review from a stranger. I will help you to discover the 5 fantastic tips that you will just love!

Until then, remember that you are not only the dentist of your clinic, but also the manager and leader. You can always send me your questions and request for more information and guidance at or via our website Looking forward to our next trip of business growth and educational development!

Editorial note: A list of references is available from the publisher. This article was published in roots - international magazine of endodontics No. 03/2018.

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