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Celebrating the life of Prof. Brånemark, the father of modern dental implantology

KARLSHAMN, Sweden: Today marks ten years since the death of Prof. Per-Ingvar Brånemark, the Swedish physician and anatomist whose serendipitous discovery ...


Clinical success in guided full-arch rehabilitation using Smilecloud

Digital workflows in dentistry have revolutionised how clinicians approach complex procedures, enhancing precision, efficiency and patient outcomes. Among ...


Reshaping clinical practice through evidence-based, patient-centred guidelines

MILAN, Italy: The annual meeting of the European Association for Osseointegration (EAO) was held in Milan last week, and one of the highlights of the event ...


3D-printed surgical guides to facilitate internal sinus lift

The possibility of replacing a tooth with a dental implant has considerably expanded the range of therapies in patients who are missing some or all of their...


The transparent gingiva project IV

Digitalisation has penetrated the dental implantology field extensively, considerably changing how patients are treated. Widespread access to digital tools ...


Osstem Implant to develop synthetic bone by 2026

SEOUL, South Korea: Specialists at the Osstem’s Bone Science Research Institute devote themselves to developing ways to regenerate bone and soft tissue by...


Prosthetic rehabilitation with short GTB implants: A case report with nine-year follow-up

Implant-prosthesis systems have continuously evolved regarding osseointegration, implant size reduction and long-term predictability results, guided by the ...


Bredent medical launches new generation of whiteSKY zirconia implants

LONDON, UK: The whiteSKY ceramic implant system from bredent medical has been on the market for more than 15 years, and its reliability has been ...


Berlin announced as host of 2020 EAO congress

LISBON, Portugal: At the closing ceremony of the 28th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Association for Osseointegration (EAO 2019), the focus ...


Interview: “Attendees will have a great choice of different sessions”

The 28th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Association for Osseointegration (EAO) is taking place in Lisbon in Portugal from 26 to 28 September. ...
