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Turkish dentists found to overprescribe antibiotics for endodontic infections

ANKARA, Turkey: It is well known that antibiotic resistance is a growing problem and that some bacteria have become resistant to even the most powerful ...


Study compares dentine penetration ability of root canal sealers and obturation methods

KIRIKKALE, Turkey: It is known that some microorganisms can penetrate dentinal tubules and sometimes even survive effective irrigation solutions. At this ...


Chinese pickles could help prevent dental caries

CHENGDU, China: An increasing number of probiotic solutions are being found to be effective in the treatment of dental caries. In a recent study, ...


Nanodiamonds might aid recovery from root canal treatment

LOS ANGELES, U.S.: California-based researchers have recently been working on a tiny, but powerful ally that could help prevent infection after root canal ...


Gel fillings may enhance root canal treatment, study shows

SEOUL, South Korea/BIRMINGHAM, Ala., U.S.: Root canal treatments currently rely on clotted blood to fill the empty tooth canal. In order to find a more ...
