Public Health England is the foremost point of reference in the UK for radiation protection in dentistry and has been influential in setting national standards. PHE Dental X-ray Protection Services have provided independent advice and a comprehensive range of services to the dental profession and dental trade engineers for more than forty years.
DXPS is based in a central location for the UK in Leeds and further support is provided by teams of radiation experts based in Glasgow and Oxfordshire.
PHE is an RPA body recognised by the Health and Safety Executive under the Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017 (IRR17) and provides radiation protection services specifically designed to assist dental practices and dental trade engineers in meeting the requirements of IRR17. PHE staff are recognised as Medical Physics Experts (MPEs) and can provide the expert advice required to meet the requirements of the Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 2017 (IRMER17).
We are approved by the Environmental Protection Agency Ireland (EPA) to provide radiation protection services to dental practices in the Republic of Ireland (ROI) and provide a range of services specifically designed to meet the requirements of the EPA. Medical Physics expertise is also provided to meet the requirements of Statutory Instrument 478 (SI478).
How does our RPA/MPE service for dental practices help you?
Appointing a Radiation Protection Adviser and consulting a Medical Physics Expert (MPE) are legal requirements for those working with dental X-ray equipment. We like to make this process as easy as we can for you.
Our range of X-ray equipment assessments
For all types of X-ray sets: intra-oral, panoramic, cephalometric, cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) and hand held units.
Interested? Request a contract
Set up a contract so that we can start providing radiation protection advice and/or assessments of your X-ray equipment without delay...
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