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Dr. Michael Stimmelmayr

Dr. Michael Stimmelmayr

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- 1985-1990: Dental school in Regensburg, Germany
- January 1991 - June 1991: Resident in private office, Cham
- July 1991 - March 1994: Resident, department of prosthodontics, University of Munich; Prof. Dr.  h.c. W. Gernet
- April 1994 - September 1997: Resident, department of oral and maxillofacial surgery; Prof. Dr.  G.W. Paulus, Munich
- June 1997: Specialization in oral surgery
- October 1997 - July 1998: Senior physician, department of prosthodontics, University of Munich; Prof. Dr. h.c. W. Gernet
- August 1998 - December 1998: Resident, Dr. Bob Lamb, .Peninsula Periodontal Associates, San Mateo, California, U.S.
- January 1999 - July 2000: Private practice with Dr. Ulrich Zimmermann, Regensburg, Germany.
- Since October 2000: Private practice for oral surgery in Cham, Germany
- 2001: Specialization in implantology (BdiZ)
- 2002:Specialization in periodontology (EDA)
- Since 2005: Accredited speaker for DGI and APW
- Since 2010: Department of Prosthodontics, University of Munich; Prof. Dr. h.c. W. Gernet, Prof. Dr. Daniel Edelhoff
- 2013: Habilitation and receipt of venia legendi, University of Munich
