All-in-one, lab-free chairside inlays in one appointment

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All-in-one, lab-free chairside inlays in one appointment

VOCO describes the recently launched GrandioSO Inlay System as the first chairside inlay system of its kind. The all-in-one solution kit offers all the matching components to fabricate 15 indirect composite inlays. The chairside fabrication of indirect composite inlays is quick and easy and saves the cost of expensive CAD-CAM equipment or lab bills.

GrandioSO Inlay kit achieves the same high quality as lab or CAD-CAM composite inlays. Composite inlays have several advantages over ceramic; they are: similar in wear to natural teeth; aesthetically natural; repairable; and easy to bond to. GrandioSO inlays have approximate material cost of $20 per inlay, significantly less than lab or CAD-CAM manufactured inlays. Clinicians can increase their profit or offer less expensive alternatives to their patients.

All components in the kit are optimally matched and make it possible to extraorally fabricate inlays in just one appointment. In addition to tried-and-true award-winning products GrandioSO, Futurabond DC, Bifix QM and Dimanto, the kit has a new, specially developed VPS Die Silicone for fabrication of model teeth in 30 seconds.

The VPS Die Silicone is a high-definition material with high final hardness. Using conventional techniques, it produces realistic models that are ideal for use in the fabrication of inlays or temporaries. The composite inlay is created extraorally, according to the principles applying to the placement of fillings, and the restoration is then cemented into the cavity with Futurabond DC and Bifiix Q. The patient is thus treated with a high-quality composite inlay in just one appointment.

