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Nobel Biocare – NobelGuide


With NobelGuide clinicians can choose to complete the whole surgery fully guided, or to use a surgical template just for pilot drilling.

With the latter option the easy-to-use surgical templates help to ensure correct angulation, direction and depth from the very first drill. Custom-manufactured surgical templates help ensure accuracy by guiding the initial drill according to the digital treatment plan created in the NobelClinician Software.

The software provides safety margins and a warning system to help the clinician avoid critical anatomical structures, meaning implants can be placed in narrow spaces with greater confidence. The clinician can then continue with freehand surgery once the initial drill has been used. The range of surgical pilot drill templates has been extended to cover both partially edentulous and edentulous cases, allowing more patients to benefit from this predictable treatment option that helps to provide an optimized esthetic and functional outcome.


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