Event 12 - 14 February 2016
Welcome to Miami
Welcome to sunny Miami, Florida, the home of the ICOI’s Winter ICOI Symposium! There is no doubt that the ICOI has helped to educate more clinicians on dental implants and related procedures around the globe than any other implant organization worldwide. The goal of our ICOI Winter Implant Symposium is to focus on bringing a great line-up of world-class speakers to the podium, and specifically many speakers who have yet to share their insight, knowledge, and experience to our membership at an ICOI meeting held in the US. This will be a truly international podium, showcasing new protocols for immediate loading, exciting research, bone grafting applications, zygomatic implants, advances in restorative materials, advances in the ever-evolving world of digital dentistry, 3-D imaging, guided surgery, and visions for the future in our chosen field of dental implantology. In addition to our stellar lineup of speakers, there will be an exciting array of didactic and hands-on pre-conference courses designed to provide attendees with an opportunity to meet and interact with speakers in a smaller educational environment.
Please join us at the wonderful Trump National Doral. With the fantastic on-site facilities, (including world-class golf) we invite you come and enjoy the meeting and the venue. We also encourage you to bring your family, and tell your colleagues that this will be one of the best meetings of the year!
Scott D. Ganz, DMD
Scientific Program Chair
Learning Objectives:
Participants will gain an understanding of:
- Advances in restorative protocols and materials
- Comparison of bone grafting versus zygomatic implants
- Concepts and protocols for immediate loading of dental implants
- Use of autologous blood products to enhance healing of soft tissue and bone grafting
- Use of diagnostic software to enhance esthetic and functional results
- Advances in the use of piezosurgery for a variety of case presentations
- Diagnostic pathways from CBCT to CAD CAM, and 3-D printing capabilities
- The current evolution of zirconia implants for single and multiple tooth replacement
- Esthetic and functional challenges presented by our dental laboratory technician teammates
Trump National Doral Miami
4400 NW 87th Ave
Miami, FL 33178
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