Dental News - CleanImplant Foundation to test implants at upcoming IDS in Cologne

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CleanImplant Foundation to test implants at upcoming IDS in Cologne

Implant analyses and insights into the micrometre universe at the CleanImplant Foundation booth. (Image: CleanImplant Foundation)
CleanImplant Foundation

CleanImplant Foundation

Thu. 9. February 2023


COLOGNE, Germany: During the 40th edition of the International Dental Show (IDS), which will take place from 13 to 18 March in Cologne, the non-profit CleanImplant Foundation, based in Berlin in Germany, will shine a light on facts and figures regarding factory-contaminated dental implants. Dentists and manufacturers alike will be able to witness the foundation’s meticulous and independent quality check of dental implants in detail. Visitors are encouraged to bring their own sterile-packaged implants and participate in the fully transparent quality assessments to find out whether the system used in their practice is safe.

“The world’s leading exhibition for the dental industry is the perfect place for us to continue our global quality offensive for clean implant surfaces,” explained Dr Dirk U. Duddeck, managing director and head of research at CleanImplant. He continued: “Numerous manufacturers of dental implants present their latest products at this international platform. Thus, it is a must to further enlighten visitors from all over the world about the immensely concerning fact that a residue-free implant surface of a sterile-packaged product right from the manufacturing still is not a matter of course.”

Therefore, every day at 11:00 a.m. at the foundation’s stand, the motto will be “Meet the Expert”. In short presentations, a team of specialists will explain the dangers of factory-contaminated implants and their possible clinical effects on peri-implantitis and implant loss. The short lectures will be given by Dr Duddeck, Dr Martin Chares, an expert on quality management and dental implant manufacturing issues, and clinical researcher Dr Dana Adjani-Fard.

Selected implants ready for analysis with the scanning electron microscope. (Image: CleanImplant Foundation)

Specifically for the compelling offer for booth visitors to have an originally packaged implant inspected on-site, a high-resolution scanning electron microscope will be installed at the CleanImplant booth in cooperation with Thermo Fisher Scientific and the accredited Medical Materials Research Institute. At the booth, implant samples taken directly from package will be analysed to determine whether they meet the consensus-based guidelines for residue-free surfaces. Analysis data from CleanImplant Foundation’s five most recent quality assessment studies show that one in three sterile-packaged implants is still significantly contaminated.

However, those implant systems that were proved to be clean across batches will also be presented. After a rigorous testing process and peer review, these systems received the CleanImplant “Trusted Quality” seal. More than 130,000 implantologists have now joined the CleanImplant initiative. Dentists appreciate the independent review and the award for clean implants, which give them the assurance of being on the safe side clinically and legally when using these implants.

To date, selected implant types carrying the coveted seal come from manufacturers such as Biotech Dental, bredent medical, BTI Biotechnology Institute, Champions Implants, Global D, medentis medical, MegaGen, NucleOSS, SDS, Sweden & Martina and Zirkon Medical.

More information can be found at the CleanImplant Foundation’s booth (#O042) in Hall 10.2 at IDS or on the foundation’s website,


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