Interview: “ISQ allows the follow-up of implant healing”

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Interview: “ISQ is the only measure that allows the follow-up of implant healing”

Dr Raquel Zita Gomes has lectured in more than 25 countries. (Image: Raquel Zita Gomes)
Franziska Beier, DTI

Franziska Beier, DTI

Wed. 16. September 2020


Dr Raquel Zita Gomes, who runs her own practice focusing on implantology and oral surgery in Oporto in Portugal, will be one of the speakers at the upcoming Osstell ISQ scientific online symposium. Prior to the event, Gomes shared with Dental Tribune International how SARS-CoV-2 has shaped the way dental education is being delivered and discussed what criteria have to be considered for dental implant loading.

Dr Gomes, many educational congresses this year have been cancelled or transformed into digital events. How have you experienced this development as a speaker?
The pandemic has completely shifted the way educational events have taken place this year. More than 15 in-person—international and national—events that I had wanted to lecture at were either cancelled or converted into digital formats. Because of the restrictions concerning travel and mass gathering of dental professionals, I have had to reinvent myself and adapt to the new circumstances and start using online platforms. Of course, doing online education doesn’t have the same impact as traditional in-person education does, but it was a way of continuing my role as an educator and reaching more professionals who may not be able to afford to attend expensive education programmes in person.

In your experience, with which decision-making processes do dental professionals struggle the most and how do you intend to help them in this regard in your symposium session?
Many dental professionals are uncertain about what the ideal minimal conditions are for delayed, early or immediate loading in single- and multiple-implant rehabilitation. I will provide objective guidelines and protocols for making the right decisions, based on scientific data and my 18 years of clinical experience in implantology.

There are many factors to consider regarding loading protocol decisions. What are the most important ones to take into account?
The most important factors to consider when selecting loading protocols in oral implantology are the torque and the implant stability quotient (ISQ) at the time of implant placement, the bone density of the implant site, the medical status of the patient and the complexity of the case.

What role does ISQ play in implant loading procedures?
Nowadays, with new technologies and techniques, we have objective measures for making the right decision concerning loading protocols. However, ISQ is the only measure that allows the follow-up of implant healing: we can measure it several times in different time frames in an objective and quantitative way. The torque value can only be measured during implant placement, providing dental professionals with limited information.

Editorial note: Dr Raquel Zita Gomes’s symposium session, titled “Predictable implant loading protocols”, will be broadcast on 24 September at 5 p.m. CEST. Participants will be able to earn a continuing education credit by answering a questionnaire after the lecture. Dental professionals who would like to attend the presentation may register on the Osstell Campus.

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