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Interview: “The book aims to make an intimidating subject like periodontology palatable”

Dr Michèle Reners is, among other roles, the EuroPerio9 Congress Chair. (Photograph: EFP)
Kasper Mussche, DTI

Kasper Mussche, DTI

Fri. 22. June 2018


Running two private dental practices in the Belgian city of Liège, lecturing in Belgium and France, collaborating with the University of Liège as an internship supervisor for young periodontists, and serving as Editor-in-Chief of the French dental journal Information Dentaire, Dr Michèle Reners has many roles. As EuroPerio9 Congress Chair, Reners has been key in putting together an engaging event that has attracted a record number of visitors. Dental Tribune International caught up with her at the signing of her new book, Periodontology Made Easy.

Your book is titled Periodontology Made Easy. How did the idea for the book come about?
The publishing house I normally collaborate with has a “Made Easy” series of books, every one of them being on a different subject, for example Prosthetics Made Easy or Occlusion Made Easy. When they proposed that I write a book on periodontology, I immediately accepted. Periodontology not being an unlearnable subject is a thought that I want to convey to the general practitioner. That is why the book aims to make an intimidating subject like periodontology palatable, enabling dentists to see it in a simpler way.

Who is the book aimed at?
Above all, the book is practical. As such, it is mainly aimed at dental students and older general dentists. The aim is to help students understand the subject better, but it is also a book to keep practising dental professionals up to date on some topics. That is why the first chapters of Periodontology Made Easy cover the aetio-pathology of periodontal disease, the disease’s link with systemic disease, and stress as a risk factor in people with periodontitis. These are, after all, some more recent findings in periodontics. It’s only been a day now, but I am pleasantly surprised at the number of people showing up at the Philips booth to get a copy.

We are halfway through EuroPerio9. What will the congress still bring for you?
It seems that there will be quite a few meetings first of all. Other than that, I am moderating a session, and last but not least there is our top-secret closing ceremony. After this show, I will be looking forward to the next one in Copenhagen, of which Prof. Phoebus Madianos will be the chair. Over the three last years, I have had a great and enthusiastic team that definitely is the secret behind this EuroPerio. Now, I will be glad to have a rest from all the preparations.

Did those preparations include your dance for the opening ceremony?
Absolutely, lots of training! [laughs]

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