Dental News - ROOTS SUMMIT calls for abstracts and poster presentations

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ROOTS SUMMIT calls for abstracts and poster presentations

As part of the scientific programme, attendees will be able to showcase their own clinical work. (Photograph: ROOTS SUMMIT)
Dental Tribune International

Dental Tribune International

Mon. 14. October 2019


PRAGUE, Czech Republic: The ROOTS SUMMIT provides not only a great lecture programme with some of the best endodontists in the world but also the perfect opportunity to participate. Therefore, the event organisers are inviting anyone interested in attending the summit in Prague to submit their own work in the form of posters or oral presentations by 6 December 2019.

Each participant may only submit one abstract (which must be in English) as a presenting author. The presenting author must assume full responsibility for the content of the abstract and must ensure that all other authors are aware of the content before the abstract is submitted. Presenters can give oral presentations or display posters. In the oral presentation category, case reports may be submitted. Each oral presentation (15 minutes) will be followed by a 5-minute question-and-answer session.

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Presenting authors are required to register for the congress should their abstract be accepted.

All abstracts must be submitted via e-mail to Dr David E. Jaramillo, ROOTS SUMMIT 2020 Scientific Chairman, at

A more detailed list of criteria and more information can be found here.

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