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Study on oral care in hospitalised pneumonia patients leads to change in international practice

TORONTO, Canada: Since the use of an antimicrobial oral rinse in intensive care units (ICUs) and its effectiveness in preventing pneumonia have been ...


Researchers develop customised 3D-printed toothbrush handle for patients with limited dexterity

SANGAREDDY, India: A team of researchers from universities in India has developed a method of fabricating a customised, interchangeable handle for tooth ...


Researchers develop shape-shifting microrobots that can brush, floss and rinse teeth

PHILADELPHIA, Penn., US: A good oral hygiene routine requires manual dexterity and can be difficult for elderly people and people with disabilities. ...


Study finds interdental brushes and rubber picks most effective devices

PISA, Italy: A newly published study from the University of Pisa has compared the efficacy of four different oral hygiene devices in reducing plaque and ...


Maternal postnatal depression influences children’s toothbrushing—study

SENDAI, Japan: Researchers at Tohoku University in Japan have found that maternal mental health may play a significant role in instilling early ...


Poor oral hygiene could affect accuracy of SARS-CoV-2 tests

TOKYO, Japan: A study conducted at a hospital in Tokyo has found that poor oral hygiene could lead to prolonged viral shedding in patients with COVID-19. In...


Frequent toothbrushing found to lower risk of diabetes

SEOUL, South Korea: A recent study has highlighted the importance of good dental hygiene. Since periodontal disease and poor oral hygiene can provoke ...


Good oral hygiene may decrease risk of cardiovascular diseases

SEOUL, South Korea: Previous research has suggested that poor oral hygiene leads to bacteria in the blood, causing inflammation in the body. This increases ...


Researchers associate electric toothbrushing with tooth retention

GREIFSWALD, Germany: Various studies have investigated the short-term oral health benefits of using an electric or a manual toothbrush. A recent study ...


New study links poor toothbrushing habits to heart disease

CHICAGO, US/LONDON, UK: A new study presented during the 2018 American Heart Association Scientific Sessions held recently has suggested that brushing ...
