How to incorporate aligners seamlessly into a dental office

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“Integrating clear aligners expands the possibilities you have available to offer your patients”

A free webinar to be held next week is aimed at general dentists who would like to integrate clear aligners into their everyday practice. (Image: DexonDee/Shutterstock)

Aimed at general practitioners who wish to start offering clear aligner treatment or those seeking refine their existing aligner workflow, a webinar on 10 May will equip dentists with the knowledge of how to incorporate aligners seamlessly into their clinical practice and will focus on optimising workflow and enhancing patient satisfaction. Participants will learn about patient selection criteria, the necessary tools for aligner treatment and methods to streamline the treatment process. In addition, the webinar will address strategies for improving patient compliance and motivating clinicians to initiate practice changes.

Dr Jeffrey Rohde maintains a practice in Santa Barbara in California in the US and is a founder of Dentalcompare, an online platform that helps clinicians learn about new products and techniques. (Image: Dentsply Sirona)

When asked about the greatest advantages of integrating aligners into general practice, webinar presenter Dr Jeffrey Rohde replied: “Integrating clear aligners expands the possibilities you have available to offer your patients. With this multidisciplinary approach, you can shift the focus from reactive single-tooth dentistry to proactive, comprehensive oral healthcare. It can also represent an increased revenue opportunity for your practice.”

Dr Rohde will also focus on common misconceptions and scepticism regarding aligner treatment. A common misconception is that dental practitioners need to invest several more years in orthodontic schooling to competently provide aligner treatment; however, Dr Rohde explained that there are a variety of educational opportunities available outside of formal training.

In addition, it is important to recognise that general practitioners already have a solid knowledge foundation for orthodontic treatment. “General practitioners already understand occlusion. They understand proper arch form and tooth position, how teeth should be shaped and how malocclusion may be causing irreversible attrition and periodontal disease. A great part of clear aligner therapy is to look at a patient and be able to diagnose what is wrong,” he explained.

Other misconceptions are that aligners are not as effective as fixed appliances and that orthodontics is a great option for teenagers but not for adults. In Dr Rohde’s opinion, neither of these views is correct.

Integrating a new workflow is only truly possible if the entire team is trained properly. Dr Rohde says his webinar will discuss how to get the entire team on board, the importance of digital impressions and the best way to begin a patient case.

“We will also discuss how to communicate treatment plans to patients, how to help them understand the need for clear aligners, how to present a case, how to keep the case moving smoothly once you begin, and much more,” he added.

The webinar, titled “Empowering your restorative practice: A comprehensive guide to clear aligner integration and success”, will be livestreamed on 10 May at 5:00 p.m. PDT, and participants can earn one continuing education credit upon completion. Visit the Dentsply Sirona Academy website to register.

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