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Nobel Biocare – NobelReplace Conical Connection


Proven performance, enhanced esthetics. The original tapered implant with a tight sealed connection and platform shifting for natural looking esthetics.1

The versatile treatment solution for your patients

The NobelReplace tapered implant body offers a trusted solution to a wide range of indications, and further flexibility when critical anatomical structures limit space.

Simplicity and stability

The implant geometry and step-by-step bone-type-specific drilling protocols simplify site preparation and support high primary implant stability - even when bone is compromised.


  • Tapered implant body design
    Designed for high primary stability, it's ideal for Immediate Function in extraction sockets or healed sites.
  • Natural-looking estheticsBuilt-in platform shifting designed to increase soft-tissue volume for natural-looking esthetics.
  • Two collar options
    Choose between TiUnite on collar or 0.75 mm machined collar for different clinical needs and treatment preferences.
  • 98.9% implant survival at 3 years3
  • Significantly improved soft-tissue health3
  • Only –0.08 mm marginal bone remodeling at 3 years3

A multi-center study evaluating NobelReplace Conical Connection implants

Read about this ongoing open, prospective, single-cohort, multi-center study focused on NobelReplace CC implants supported by single-unit crowns in the maxilla.

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