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Amann Girrbach celebrates company anniversary at new headquarters

Company and industry experts discuss future trends in the dental market at Amann Girrbach's anniversary gathering. (All images: Amann Girrbach)
Amann Girrbach

Amann Girrbach

Wed. 2. October 2024


MÄDER, Austria: This year marked the 20th anniversary of the merger of the two companies Amann, founded in 1972, and Girrbach, founded in 1936. For the global dental manufacturer, which moved into its new headquarters in Mäder, at the beginning of the year, this was the perfect opportunity to welcome trade and cooperation partners, dental technicians and dentists to the site for the official opening of the new headquarters.

The Mäder headquarters house production, warehousing and logistics, administration, research and development, and a new training centre for dental technicians and dentists. Seeing the new facilities was just as much a focus as the opportunity to attend lectures, workshops and sessions on the Amann Girrbach product range in the exclusive multi-day programme.

“The spacious premises here in Mäder allow us to continue to develop in line with our orientation as a globally active and expanding dental company,” explained Manuel Stückler, vice president of operations at Amann Girrbach, during the event. “For this reason, we would like to offer our national and international guests the opportunity to engage in intensive discussions with us, gain a deeper insight into the development of our products or listen to one of the exciting presentations on our show stage,” he continued.

With its Artex, Ceramill and Zolid brands, Amann Girrbach is one of the leading suppliers of equipment and materials for the manufacture of dental restorations. The company produces exclusively at its headquarters in Austria. This means that it keeps the entire value chain in-house, allowing it to directly influence the quality of its products. This approach is reflected in Amann Girrbach’s entire product portfolio, which is designed to support a smooth and seamless workflow for technicians and practitioners in treating patients.

How this looks in practice was impressively illustrated by speakers such as German cosmetic dentist Dr Cyrus Alamouti, who introduced the audience to the digitalisation of dental practices, and Prof. Florian Beuer and master dental technician Robert Nicic from the Department of Prosthodontics, Geriatric Dentistry and Craniomandibular Disorders at Charité—Universitätsmedizin Berlin in Germany. They presented a lecture titled “Seven years of digital! Hand in hand”. The open panel discussion “Future trends in the dental market” examined current and future scenarios in the dental world from a wide variety of perspectives, and the contributors were Falko Noack, vice president of research and development at Amann Girrbach; Markus Lensing, head of health technology at the Albrecht-Dürer-Berufskolleg in Düsseldorf in Germany; and Prof. Andreas Moritz, medical director of the University Clinic of Dentistry at the Medical University of Vienna in Austria.

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