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BDA mourns the death of Prince Philip

Prince Philip, who passed away on Friday, was an honorary member of the British Dental Association for over sixty years. (Image: Travers Lewis/Shutterstock)

Mon. 12. April 2021


LONDON, UK: Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, passed away on Friday at the age of 99. Over the course of his long life, the prince was a supporter of many causes and associations. One of these—the British Dental Association (BDA)—appointed him its president of honour in 1980 and paid tribute to Philip upon the announcement of his death.

Having been made an honorary member of the BDA in 1957, Philip was selected as the trade union’s president of honour to mark its centennial celebration. In his presidential address, he wrote: “If the association feels that a hundred years is worth celebrating, I can only say that millions of dental patients will join them in their celebration, if only in thanksgiving for the vast improvement and progress in dental treatment that has taken place in that period and for the development of the concept of prevention as of equal importance to treatment.”

Dr Russ Ladwa, the current president of the BDA, remarked that “the BDA has lost an honorary member, a past president, and a firm believer in the role dentists play in improving the health of the nation”.

"Over 40 years ago the Duke set out a vision on prevention that was ahead of its time and remains our goal. The association salutes the foresight of my predecessor, and on behalf of this profession let me extend our condolences to our patron, Her Majesty the Queen, and to the royal family,” he added.

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