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CEREC dental community mourns loss of Dr Klaus Wiedhahn

Dr Klaus Wiedhahn was born in 1946. He was considered a CEREC pioneer and was a mentor for many users of the technology. (Image: Digital Dental Academy)
Dental Tribune International

Dental Tribune International

Thu. 15. September 2022


LAS VEGAS, US: The news of the death of Dr Klaus Wiedhahn, a distinguished CEREC expert and pioneer, was shared with attendees at Dentsply Sirona World 2022, which kicked off today in Las Vegas. Dr Wiedhahn passed away on 14 September while travelling from Hamburg in Germany to attend the event.

Dr Wiedhahn, a practising dentist for over 40 years, was one of the world’s first CEREC users. In 1992, he helped establish one of the first peer-to-peer CEREC training programmes. He was the founder of the international and German societies for computerised dentistry and the founding editor of the International Journal of Computerized Dentistry. Dr Wiedhahn was also the founder and CEO of the Digital Dental Academy Berlin, a continuing education facility in Germany solely dedicated to CEREC.

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