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Irfan Abas

Irfan Abas


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Irfan Abas is a specialist in the field of oral implantology and restorative dentistry and an international speaker on these subjects. He has given more than 20 presentations, workshops and live surgery courses throughout the world, as well as published numerous articles in the Dutch TandartsPraktijk journal, of which he is also an editor. Another highlight in his career was the publication of an article in the Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Tandheelkunde journal in 2016. He wrote the paper in collaboration with Dr Gert Meijer, a r, under whose supervision Abas successfully completed four-year postdoctoral training in reconstructive dentistry in 2014. Abas is also an instructor and lecturer for Advanced Implant Educators in the US and of the MegaGen International Network of Education and Clinical Research branch. He has his own practice in Bussum in the Netherlands (
