Art 4 Your Practice: Handcrafted 3-D art for dentists

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Art 4 Your Practice: Handcrafted 3-D art for dentists

The art you display in your office can say a lot about you and your practice — helping to set patient expectations about their experience. So how about going for something that says “friendly,” “fun” and even “cool.” That’s a big part of the concept behind Art 4 Your Practice, which specializes in unique, handcrafted shadow boxes, showcases, sculptures and paintings for dental and audiology offices.

Created by artists in Europe, the intricate, highly detailed pieces come across as sophisticated and professional, but also approachable and light. “It’s completely different than what most people would call dental art, specifically because it’s 3-D,” says Cathy Howard, who has been with the company for more than 10 years. “You have your shadowboxes, which you can hang on a wall, or your showcase pieces that can go on a counter or shelf or table.”

Howard describes the theme as “the mouth as a construction site, which is why there is scaffolding, men working and the plans or blueprints of the worksite. Thus, it’s akin to the dentist being the construction worker on someone’s teeth.”

“They’re also a memorable gift, and they can be personalized to a certain degree,” Howard says. “For example, we can make these into business card holders and add a brass plate with the dentist’s name.”

