Geistlich Pharma – REGENFAST

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Geistlich Pharma – REGENFAST

Enhance cell vitality to support more efficient repair

Geistlich Pharma is proud to offer REGENFAST, a product of Mastelli, a third-generation family pharmaceutical company founded in 1952 that produces unique medical devices containing polynucleotides (PNs) and hyaluronic acid (HA). They are indicated to protect oral tissues and promote faster physiological healing.

The REGENFAST sterile viscoelastic gel is the first product in dentistry to combine PNs and HA. PNs are substances of natural origin that are ubiquitous in the body―highly purified and resorbable in this product. PNs are known for their unique ability to create a hydrated, trophic and protective microenvironment that promotes cell development and vitality for reparative purposes. HA is one of the essential components of the extracellular matrix and imparts mechanical and elastic properties to tissues.

More information can be found at
