Shangai Smartee Dental Technology – Smartee GS

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Shangai Smartee Dental Technology – Smartee GS clear aligners

Smartee GS is a novel orthopaedic approach that corrects severe jaw discrepancies while minimising or avoiding the need for tooth extraction and jaw surgery. In collaboration with the company’s research and development chief scientist, Prof. Gang Shen of Wuhan University’s School of Stomatology, Smartee developed the invisible mandibular repositioning technology and the GS product series.

This innovative solution provides a new orthopaedic approach to treating severe Class II and Class III cases. The specially designed and customised manufactured clear orthopaedic appliances, including the S8-SGTB and S8-SGHB aligners, are used to relocate the backward positioned mandible to modify the growth patterns of the orofacial bone structures. Supported by advanced digitalisation and algorithm technology, the S8 aligners manipulate the movement of the lower jaw and alignment of the teeth accurately and predictably.

This approach has been successfully applied in over 50,000 cases, benefiting both patients and dental professionals.

More information can be found at
