wave, wave mv, wave hv

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wave, wave mv, wave hv

flowable composites

Wave, Wave mv and Wave hv are ideal versatile, fluoride releasing, radiopaque, light cured flowable composites designed for anterior and posterior restorations.

Wave is an extremely low viscosity flowable, Wave mv is a medium viscosity and Wave hv is a high viscosity flowable composite.

The range of viscosities ensures the clinician has a choice for all different clinical situations. Clinical Research Associates’ CRA Newsletter, Volume 26, Issue 10, October 2002, concluded that Wave was one of the “brands with most of the 12 desired characteristics”.

Wave, Wave mv and Wave hv have very low modulus of elasticity values to ensure greater flex for improved marginal integrity. Their flowable thixotropic viscosities enable easy placement without the use of an instrument.

Wave, Wave mv and Wave hv have a multiplicity of uses with outstanding results. Some of the uses are: Class V defects, small Class I and II restorations, gingival walls, pit and fissure sealants, blocking of small undercuts, enamel defect repair, liner, incisal abrasions, minor core build-ups, porcelain repair, veneers.

Wave, Wave mv and Wave hv are available in 1g syringes and 0.25g complets in A1, A2, A3, A3.5, B1, B2, B3, C2, C3, D3, OA2, incisal, gingival and bleach shades.



contact information:

SDI Limited
3-13 Brunsdon Street
Bayswater Vic 3153
