Dental News - FDI Women Dentists Worldwide gathers for forum

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FDI Women Dentists Worldwide gathers for forum

Women Dentists Worldwide Forum attendees with FDI President Dr. Kathryn Kell (fourth from right). (Photograph: Monique Mehler, Dental Tribune International)
Dental Tribune International

Dental Tribune International

Sat. 8. September 2018


BUENOS AIRES, Argentina: On 7 September, an international group of female dentists and opinion leaders in several specialties met for the FDI Women Dentists Worldwide Forum. The session was titled “Leading technologies—Impact of knowledge to clinical practice” and consisted of papers presented by three women dentists who are all part of Women Dentists Worldwide.

Moderator of the session and Women Dentists Worldwide Chair Dr. Vesna Barac-Furtinger led the audience, which consisted of men and women alike, through the program. She explained that FDI Women Dentists Worldwide exists to coordinate the activities of the national groups, promote the collection of information about women dentists and their pattern of working, and address inequalities where they exist. Furthermore, it aims to facilitate contacts between women and enhance their full participation in all branches of the profession on a worldwide basis.

Before introducing the first speaker of the morning, Barac-Furtinger welcomed honorary guest FDI President Dr. Kathryn Kell, who joined the forum for the lectures and networking opportunities. As a dentist, Kell has been a longtime member and supporter of Women Dentists Worldwide.

Dr. Nermin Yamalik, who is a periodontist and professor at Hacettepe University in Ankara, Turkey, gave the first lecture, titled “Evidence based dentistry (EBD) and critical thinking.” She pointed out that EBD and critical thinking are crucial from both a scientific and dental practice viewpoint. This is due to their potential impact on the outcome of dental treatment and the success of the dental practice, she said.

The second speaker was orthodontist Dr. Simona Dianiskova from Bratislava, Slovakia, where besides working in her own practice, she teaches at the Slovak Medical University. Her lecture “Digitalisation in orthodontic practice” addressed how modern technology has simplified her everyday work. At the end of her lecture, Dianiskova thanked FDI for providing women from all over the world with a platform for learning, sharing and networking.

Lastly, American board-certified orthodontist Dr. Jina Lee Linton presented her paper, “3D digital—CCO System, scale up in orthodontics.” Linton lives and works in Seoul, South Korea. During her lecture, she introduced 3-D biodigital diagnosis and treatment planning. Furthermore, she explained what the Complete Clinical Orthodontics System is, and how to accomplish speedy, efficient, predictable, and stable outcomes using it.

WDC attendees interested in finding out more about Women Dentists Worldwide can obtain information from the FDI booth, which is located in the scientific sessions hall (yellow pavilion).

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