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Study finds clinic leadership has direct impact on level of preventive care

MALMÖ, Sweden: Even though Sweden has built a more robust healthcare system than exists in many countries, adults in the country still have a high ...


Chinese pickles could help prevent dental caries

CHENGDU, China: An increasing number of probiotic solutions are being found to be effective in the treatment of dental caries. In a recent study, ...


Study examines effectiveness of fluoride varnish in preschoolers

SEATTLE, U.S.: Owing to its easy application, its affordable price and the low risk of swallowing the product, fluoride varnish (FV) has become a popular ...


A sweet remedy? New dental lozenges aim to tackle dental caries

OSAKA, Japan: Osaka-based confectionary company UHA Mikakuto has introduced flavoured pastilles claimed to be helpful in maintaining a healthy oral flora.
