Scientific survey on ceramic implants

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ESCI calls for participation in scientific survey on ceramic implants

The European Society for Ceramic Implantology is conducting a survey on ceramic implants that is aimed at implant dentists, dental technicians and oral surgeons. (Image: ESCI)

Fri. 30. April 2021


KILCHBERG, Switzerland: Ceramic implants are increasingly being used in modern dental implantology as a complement to the treatment spectrum with titanium implants. Not only can a growing interest be observed in health-conscious patients, but dentists too are increasingly becoming interested in the biological advantages. Despite promising short- and medium-term data on the successful use of ceramic implants, the use of these implants is still a matter of debate owing to the lack of long-term data.

In particular, there is a lack of comprehensive knowledge on the practical use of ceramic implants and experience from daily dental practice. The European Society for Ceramic Implantology (ESCI) would like to change this. Through a global survey, it aims to find answers to the most important questions and provide insight into the daily handling of ceramic implants. The survey is intended to provide valuable information for further development and make an important contribution to the reliable use of ceramic implants—ultimately for safe use in patients.

The survey questionnaire was designed by the ESCI’s scientific advisory board and is intended for all implant dentists, dental technicians and oral surgeons whether or not they have experience of ceramic implants. The aim of the survey is to compile data on the ceramic implant market, to record willingness to use ceramic implants, to identify possible negative sentiment towards these products and to analyse practical use of and possible existing problems in the handling of ceramic implants.

The results of the survey will be scientifically and independently evaluated by the ESCI and published in the appropriate journals and on the ESCI website and sent directly to the participants on request. The ESCI guarantees independent and objective processing of the answers without any commercial objective. No personal data will be collected or disclosed. Participants will remain anonymous, and their answers will not be associated with the relevant participants.

Participation takes about 5 to 10 minutes. Click here for the survey.

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