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MODJAW: A next-generation digital dentistry solution

MODJAW strongly believes that using 4D data from the Tech in Motion device brings more than just beautiful smiles. It brings, first and foremost, healthy and long-lasting ones. (Image: MODJAW)


Tue. 14. September 2021


VILLEURBANNE, France: 4D dentistry is driven by the idea that both static and dynamic parameters should be considered in order to enable complete diagnostics and bespoke restorations. Having a 4D dentistry concept, French company MODJAW introduces a new way of entering patients’ reality using true jaw motion and dynamic occlusion, in addition to 3D modelling.

MODJAW started to emerge on the digital dentistry scene in March 2019, when the company introduced a new digital dentistry solution for real-time jaw motion called MODJAW Tech in Motion.

How does it work?

Inspired by the animated movie industry, the device allows dentists and orthodontists to record the real-time jaw motion of their patients and to create their dynamic digital twin. MODJAW’s unique platform can aggregate all patient data, including 3D models, 4D movements, and CBCT and facial scans. It then creates a digital “clone” or exact virtual replica of the patient. This solution is the realisation of the company’s strong belief that both static and dynamic data should be considered when treating a patient.

For diagnostics…

Using MODJAW and the recommended software, dental professionals can evaluate patients clearly and accurately during the diagnosis stage. Recording an animated dental arch in real time provides a broad and objective view of the patient’s problem. Within a few minutes of recording, all static and dynamic parameters are obtained, and occlusal guides, unilateral occlusal contact, tooth wear, malocclusion or temporomandibular joint disturbances can be detected.

… and building treatment plans

The data provided by MODJAW is used in the treatment phase to completely personalise the dental treatment. Considering the complex reality of every patient in motion is not a luxury, it is a must-have in order to be able to offer fully fitting treatments. It covers everything in simple to complex cases, including adhesive and removable prostheses, implants, and orthodontics. One of its flagship features is that users can select a new vertical dimension from a record and apply previously recorded kinematics with just a few clicks. This is especially useful in eroded situations where space for the restoration is required.

The solution is open and designed to make data accessible to all dental technicians. All static data is provided in STL file format, so it is compatible with all CAD software. For example, plans, arches in specific locations, hinge axes and constellations can all be transferred directly. The motion data from MODJAW in an XML file format is easily integrated with exocad software. The company is working on integration with other CAD/CAM software such as the products available from 3Shape.

Also, in light of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, it is vital to reduce patient visits to the dental office to the absolute minimum. In other words, efficiency needs to be increased, and absolutely all patient data must be fetched at the first visit, including mandibular movements. Then any dentist beginning a treatment will be able to predict the outcome.

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