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Planmeca Viso: The next generation of CBCT imaging

Patient positioning is done directly from Planmeca Viso’s control panel utilizing integrated cameras and a live video view. (Photograph: Planmeca)
Dental Tribune International

Dental Tribune International

Mon. 26. November 2018


NEW YORK, U.S.: Introducing unique patient positioning, free field of view (FOV) adjustments and intelligent patient movement correction, the new Planmeca Viso radiographic unit is the next step forward in the evolution of cone beam imaging. According to the company, it will elevate expectations of the capability of premium CBCT units. At the Greater New York Dental Meeting (GNYDM), taking place until Nov. 28 at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, Planmeca is showcasing its new product.

Planmeca Viso offers an ideal combination of image quality and high-end usability, fulfilling the needs of demanding maxillofacial imaging in all clinical environments, from private clinics to large hospitals, said the company. The unit introduces a renewed imaging workflow.

From innovative live video patient positioning to intelligent FOV adjustments, Planmeca Viso elevates the imaging experience to an entirely new level, according to the company. Patient positioning is done directly from the unit’s control panel utilizing integrated cameras and a live patient view. Users can freely adjust the size and location of the FOV with the tips of their fingers. The unit’s occipital support provides stability without compromising patient comfort.

Planmeca Viso offers a wide volume selection to cover all clinical needs—from single tooth to full skull. Single 19 × 30 cm scans covering the entire maxillofacial area can be acquired without the need for stitching. The volume size can be adjusted freely from 3 × 3 cm to 30 × 30 cm. The unit’s 3-D sensor is also fully capable of 2-D imaging.

There will be no need for retakes as the new Planmeca CALM algorithm for patient movement correction ensures successful results every time, said the company. It is excellent when imaging more lively patients and can be selected either preventatively before imaging or afterward to achieve reliable results. Planmeca Viso’s new imaging arm design also provides increased patient space and shorter acquisition times.

With integrated RFID connectivity, Planmeca Viso opens up new possibilities for patient and user identification. The integrated Planmeca PlanID sign-in system allows users to immediately access their personal settings with a flash of a card.

The unit’s 120 kV tube voltage enables optimized image quality for more challenging imaging cases—reducing artifacts and ensuring higher contrast images.

“When we started this project, our goal was to create a CBCT unit that would offer a fluent workflow and adaptability for different patient sizes and indications—not to mention uncompromised image quality even at the lowest doses,” said Timo Müller, vice president of Planmeca’s X-ray division. “I am happy to say that we have achieved this goal and in fact exceeded it.”

Planmeca is inviting visitors to the GNYDM to stop at its booth (#5425).


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