riva protect

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riva protect

the ultimate glass ionomer surface protector and sealant



There are many situations where you know protection of the surface is required: pit and fissure sealants, root/tooth surfaces, preventing hypersensitivity, temporary restorations and temporary endodontic sealing. You will often see carious situations you would like to stabilize and then re-mineralize. Riva Protect is your weapon.

Riva Protect now comes in a new and improved short body capsule design which is easier than ever to activate.

Riva Protect is a glass ionomer surface protector and sealant with extremely high fluoride release. Riva Protect chemically bonds to the tooth surface without the need for etching or applying an adhesive.

Riva Protect has super high fluoride release. Depending on the oral condition at the time, Riva Protect will either release fluoride or recharge itself with fluoride.

Riva Protect stabilizes any caries that is already present. Furthermore, Riva Protect’s special nanotechnology additive amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP) greatly assists in re-mineralization of the tooth structure. ACP adds extra calcium and phosphate to the tooth interface, which combines with fluoride from the glass in Riva Protect to re-form the natural tooth structure!

Riva Protect’s very low viscosity ensures the material will quickly and evenly flow over the tooth surface and deep into pits and fissures. Riva Protect can be placed in a moist environment.

Riva Protect is available in new and improved capsules and in powder/liquid sets in pink or white shades.



contact information:

SDI Limited
3-13 Brunsdon Street
Bayswater Vic 3153
