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Free webinar highlights advantages of biomimetic approach to dentistry

In a free upcoming webinar, an expert will provide participants with a step-by-step guide to direct restorative protocols. (Image: GC)

GC, an internationally renowned manufacturer of dental materials, is committed to delivering dental professionals easily accessible, high-quality educational resources across a range of topics. As part fulfilment of this promise, the company will be presenting a free webinar on 8 June hosted by an expert in the field of biomimetic restorations. The webinar will explore direct techniques for restoring large cavities and how best to create aesthetic, functional and long-lasting posterior restorations.

Dr Hussein Patanwala. (Image: GC)

Dr Hussein Patanwala, a clinical dental tutor at the University of Birmingham’s School of Dentistry, will provide participants with a step-by-step guide to direct restorative protocols, from isolation to occlusal adjustment. In doing so, he will examine current adhesive techniques as well as the newest generation of resin composites and fibre-reinforced restorative materials.

According to Dr Patanwala, one of the primary benefits of a biomimetic approach to direct restorations is that it focuses on the conservation of existing teeth. He told Dental Tribune International (DTI) that this approach “preserves natural dentition by using developments in material science and an understanding of minimum intervention dentistry to, ultimately, benefit your patient”.

Though the biomimetic approach has been around for decades, “the knowledge and skills [needed to practise it] have been made more readily available through evidence-based publications and practical teaching”, Dr Patanwala said.

“There has been a paradigm shift in restorative dentistry with the development of adhesive dentistry—the biomimetic approach has encompassed these developments to give the clinician a broader range of treatment options,” he added.

In his own words, Dr Patanwala’s ultimate aim with this educational session is to provide participants with “a valuable update on the use of contemporary concepts and materials for the restoration of posterior teeth”. He will present the webinar, titled “Biomimetic restorations simplified”, live on Wednesday, 27 July, from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. GMT. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and to earn a continuing education credit.

Editorial note:

This article was updated on 7 June 2022.

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