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The ONE symposium starts tomorrow

Based on 100 years of experience in the development of luting materials, GC has launched a new product that aims to simplify all cementation procedures: G-CEM ONE. In a symposium, dental professionals can learn more about its clinical applications and advantages. (Image: stockfour/Shutterstock)
Dental Tribune International

Dental Tribune International

Wed. 26. May 2021


LEUVEN, Belgium: In celebration of its 100th anniversary, GC is holding a symposium on 27 May dedicated to luting. During the online event, three experienced clinicians will give dental professionals a comprehensive overview of current options for luting and cementation of dental prostheses. In addition, participants will learn more about the various advantages of GC’s G-CEM ONE self-adhesive resin cement based on clinical examples.

How to simplify luting procedures

Over the past several years, dental cements have evolved, and the cements most widely used in dentistry today include glass ionomer cements and self-adhesive resin cements, the latter in particular offering clinicians a number of advantages compared with other bonding agents.

Launched in 2021, G-CEM ONE is the latest self-adhesive resin cement from GC and can be used in all cementation procedures and for any type of restoration. According to the company, it combines high bond strength, effortless clean-up and long-lasting aesthetics as well as excellent autopolymerising capability, providing for a wide range of indications in one product range.

Dental professionals are invited to tune in online free of charge

On 27 May, starting at 5 p.m. (CEST), three distinguished clinical experts will illustrate the practical aspects of application. Dr Marcio Vivan Cardoso (Belgium) will give an overview on the latest advances in indirect restorative dentistry and discuss modern strategies to improve cementation efficiency and durability in general. Dr José Ignacio Zorzin (Germany) will talk about indications and principles of adhesive luting of indirect restorations and the mechanisms of self-adhesive, conventional and universal luting. As the last speaker of the symposium, Prof. Roberto Sorrentino (Italy) will provide a detailed overview of the clinical applications G-CEM ONE. He will present different clinical cases with full and partial adhesive restorations in the anterior and posterior zones.

To get a better idea of the topics that will be discussed during the event, dental professionals can listen to 20- to 30-minute podcasts that were recorded leading up to the event.

After the presentations, participants will be able to discuss the different approaches with the speakers during a Q & A session. They will also have the opportunity to earn up to three continuing education credits.

The main language of the symposium is English, but simultaneous interpretation into French, German and Spanish will be offered for all lectures as well as the Q & A session.

More information about the symposium, programme and registration can be found at


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