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Osstem introduces the TS scan healing abutment for the European market

The new TS scan healing abutment from Osstem Europe combines a scan body with a healing abutment. (Image: Osstem Europe)

Mon. 10. October 2022


PRAGUE, Czech Republic: International dental implant specialist Osstem Europe has announced that the TS scan healing abutment is now available for European dental professionals. The product combines a scan body with a healing abutment and makes it possible to complete the implant impression satisfactorily by scanning the surface of the healing abutment in the oral cavity without a separate scan body.

The number at the top of the scan healing abutment indicates the height. (Image: Osstem Europe)

Various heights, including 4 mm, 5 mm and 7 mm, can be selected according to the requirements of the implant placement situation. Prosthetic accuracy has been improved by including differentiating cut-outs on the occlusal surface of the scan healing abutment for each height specification. Moreover, these landmarks aid in correct alignment in scanning. By using a dedicated carrier, the TS scan healing abutment can be fastened with the correct hex alignment. A surface coating that reduces light reflection enables quick scanning without spray application. If there is no oral scanner available or scanning is difficult, a physical impression can be taken.

After scanning, a library allows the user to select a custom abutment or a stock abutment using CAD software such as that developed by 3Shape and exocad. This process allows for greater convenience and more flexibility in the creation of digital implant prostheses. In the CAD software, the height specifications can be easily identified from the occlusal landmarks on the scan healing abutment, and a custom abutment can be made using the library.

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