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Study examines knowledge and experience of erosive tooth wear among Danish dentists

COPENHAGEN, Denmark: Erosive tooth wear (ETW) is of growing concern to dental professionals and therefore the subject of extensive research. A survey has ...


Medical reason actress Dakota Johnson lost her diastema

LOS ANGELES, U.S.: Some celebrities are known for their distinctive physical features. An example is American actress Dakota Johnson, who is not just famous...


Tooth analysis reveals secrets of our earliest ancestors

LISMORE/MELBOURNE, Australia: Extended parental care is considered one of the hallmarks of human evolution. Through tooth chemistry analysis, scientists ...


May 2019 is Save Your Tooth Month

CHICAGO, U.S.: The American Association of Endodontists (AAE) is devoting an entire month to celebrating saving natural teeth and recognizing the ...


CAD/CAM-integrated glass fibre post and core restoration improves tooth fracture strength

BEIJING, China: Researchers from the General Hospital of the Air Force of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army in Beijing recently evaluated the fracture ...


At-home tooth straightening boom raises concerns

LEIPZIG, Germany: To the unaware consumer, it almost sounds too good to be true: straighter teeth without a single dentist appointment through a method that...


New research may one day revolutionize endodontics

BOSTON, U.S.: Root canal therapy and the materials and techniques used to perform them are continually evolving. However, the fact remains that after the ...


Ancient tooth from Mesolithic ancestor reveals diet

YORK, UK: In new research, scientists have discovered that the diet of Mesolithic humans was much closer to the contemporary Mediterranean diet than first ...


Middle-aged tooth loss linked to increased coronary heart disease risk

NEW ORLEANS, U.S.: Losing two or more teeth in middle age is associated with increased cardiovascular disease risk, according to preliminary research. The ...


New tooth-mounted microchip tracks ingested food

MASSACHUSETTS, U.S.: The digital world allows for a broad scope of data to be collected within a range of fields. In a new data collection advancement that ...


National Tooth Fairy Day recalls old beliefs and traditions

CHICAGO, Ill., USA: The folklore of the tooth fairy is widely known and practiced in various countries in the English-speaking world. It states that, when a...
