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How to cement restorations made of high-translucency zirconia

KATANA Zirconia STML and PANAVIA SA Cement Universal are a promising team, according to study results. (Image: Kuraray Noritake Dental)

Thu. 27. April 2023


TOKYO, Japan: KATANA Zirconia STML is a highly popular material used in many dental laboratories around the world. Whereas the indications and technical procedures are well-known, there seem to be some obscurities regarding its handling in the dental office. Is conventional cementation possible and recommended or is an adhesive luting procedure preferable? Is the surface pretreatment the same as for tetragonal zirconia or is a different procedure required? And what may be expected regarding the long-term behaviour of KATANA Zirconia STML restorations? A close look into the available scientific literature provides some guidance.

Compared with traditional zirconia framework materials with a mainly tetragonal polycrystalline structure, KATANA Zirconia STML has a higher yttria content, leading to a different material structure w...
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