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Case presentations highlight clinical excellence at ROOTS SUMMIT 2018

Participants looking at the posters displayed in the corridor and engaging with the poster authors. (Photograph: Franziska Beier, DTI)
Dental Tribune International

Dental Tribune International

Sat. 30. June 2018


BERLIN, Germany: In the run-up to the ROOTS SUMMIT, attendees were invited to submit their own work in the form of posters or oral presentations. This gave dental professionals the opportunity to actively participate in the scientific programme, in addition to attending the lectures and hands-on courses of the main offering. Yesterday, nine endodontists either presented their posters or gave an oral presentation under the moderation of Dr David Jaramillo, ROOTS SUMMIT 2018 Scientific Chairman.

Jaramillo thanked all 25 participants who had submitted their abstracts for consideration. At the main auditorium at the European School of Management and Technology in Berlin, the presenting authors, who travelled to the capital to attend the ROOTS SUMMIT from Spain, Poland, Kuwait, Egypt, Guatemala and other countries, gave 10-minute discussions of their individual patient cases and the audience used the 5-minute question-and-answer session to clarify any open issues.

Three judges placed in the audience will decide on the winner. The winners of the poster competition and case presentations will be announced and can collect their prizes—Terauchi Kits —on Sunday morning. All presenting authors, whether they have won or not, will receive a certificate.

“I really appreciate the atmosphere of the ROOTS SUMMIT and I am happy to be here,” said Dr Milan Mach at the beginning of his presentation.

“I have been a member of the ROOTS SUMMIT from the beginning. It is a privilege to present in front of the endo community today,” said Dr Mostafa el-Kholy, another presenting author.

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