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Planmeca to integrate Pearl’s artificial intelligence solution into Romexis software

Pearl and Planmeca are collaborating to deliver enhanced artificial intelligence-based image analysis services to Planmeca Romexis users. (Image: Planmeca)


Mon. 24. April 2023


HELSINKI, Finland/LOS ANGELES, US: Pearl and Planmeca recently announced plans to integrate Pearl’s Second Opinion, an artificial intelligence (AI) diagnostic tool that assists in dental radiography, within the Planmeca Romexis imaging software platform. Pearl is a global leader in dental AI solutions, and Planmeca is the world’s largest privately owned dental equipment manufacturer.

Second Opinion is the only chairside AI software with global regulatory clearance to assist dentists in the detection of numerous common conditions on bitewing, periapical and panoramic radiographs of permanent dentition in patients as young as 12 years old. For Romexis users, the Second Opinion software will provide AI evaluation of 2D intra-oral radiographic images directly within the Romexis platform, facilitating streamlined patient communication, enhanced diagnostic capabilities and a higher standard of dental care delivery.

“AI is primed to revolutionise the global dentistry market, and together with Planmeca Romexis, we’re expanding access to the powerful capabilities of this technology,” said Ophir Tanz, founder and CEO of Pearl. “Our partnership with Planmeca will seamlessly integrate Second Opinion into one of the most popular, powerful and technologically advanced imaging platforms in dentistry, streamlining clinical efficiencies and steering the industry towards a fully AI-powered future.”

“We are deeply committed to delivering the most advanced capabilities in digital imaging to dental clinics of all sizes and specialties,” commented Helianna Puhlin-Nurminen, vice president of digital imaging and software applications at Planmeca. “This collaboration with Pearl will further augment diagnostic consistency, accuracy and transparency in dental care, equipping Romexis users with the most advanced pathology detection and patient communication technology.”

The integration will soon be available for Romexis users around the world.

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