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Tooth wear and bruxism: Dentistry’s hidden struggle

When it comes to tooth wear, there are two primary aetiologies that I as a practising dentist encounter most frequently. The first, erosion, is often linked...


Interdisciplinary treatment of an adult patient with worn anterior teeth

The process of decision making is nowadays influenced by the continuous flux of information, the advancement of technology and the development of new ...


Laser-assisted irrigation in endodontic treatment of a tooth with obstructed canals—A case report

A 72-year-old patient presented to our clinic for whom crown treatment of tooth #37 was planned owing to the patient complaining of recent pain on biting ...


Tenet: Time inversion applied to dentistry

Time travel—two words that sound odd in an article on dentistry, but are a daily reality for all health professionals. Ageing concerns all patients who ...


SprintRay launches Protect a Smile campaign

LOS ANGELES, U.S.: SprintRay, a 3D printer manufacturer that focuses on digital dentistry, has recently launched a campaign that aims to help protect smiles...


Full-mouth restoration with Zolid FX— a successful concept for sophisticated prostheses

The patient case outlined here describes the challenges that prostheses have to meet under high stress. The patient presented to the practice with ...


Understanding how bruxism affects dental restorations

MALMÖ, Sweden: Research has shown that bruxism not only causes damage to teeth but may also result in implant failure. To further investigate the issue, ...


Pandemic causing increase in stress-related oral health conditions

CHICAGO, U.S.: A survey by the American Dental Association (ADA) has found that more patients have developed bruxism as a result of stress during the ...


Living in digital age: Can smartphones be detrimental to oral health?

TEL AVIV, Israel: Since digital technology is so deeply rooted in our society, it would be hard to imagine a world without the internet. Whereas smartphones...


Medication-induced bruxism overlooked in dentistry

SYDNEY, Australia: Dentists commonly encounter bruxism and manage its effects. However, bruxism is not always recognised as being potentially drug-induced. ...


Poor oral hygiene may impair training and athletic performance

GENEVA, Switzerland: With the summer sports season in full swing, FDI World Dental Federation (FDI) has partnered with Sunstar to release a series of sports...


Interview: “Bruxism requires dentists to look beyond the mouth”

The Greeks had a word for what we now refer to as bruxism: brychein—the grinding or gnashing of teeth. With references to this “gnashing of teeth” in ...


Interview: bth4 aims to eliminate bruxism at its root

An engineer with more than 15 years’ experience in the private sector, René Garcia founded bth4 in 2013. Based in the American town of Tucson, Arizona, ...


Researchers find possible link between bruxism and periodontitis

OKAYAMA, Japan: In a recent study, researchers from Okayama University investigated whether involuntary masseter muscle activity showed any specific pattern...


Pilot study suggests botulinum toxin could help with bruxism

HOUSTON, U.S.: A new pilot study has suggested that botulinum toxin might be a feasible way to treat people suffering from bruxism. In the double-blind ...


Pilot study suggests botulinum toxin could help with bruxism

HOUSTON, U.S.: A new pilot study has suggested that botulinum toxin might be a feasible way to treat people suffering from bruxism. In the double-blind ...


Study suggests link between verbal bullying and bruxism in adolescents

ITABIRA, Brazil: Verbal bullying at school can negatively impact an adolescent’s mental health, causing distress and anxiety. A Brazilian study has shown ...
