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Latest issue
roots international No. 2, 2024
Cover / Editorial / Content / Study examines efficacy of plant-based irrigants for endodontic biofilm management / Cryotherapy and occlusal reduction may offer improved endodontic analgesia / New report urges greater awareness about mouth cancer / “Antibiotic resistance could become a serious problem” - An interview with Drs Fatemeh Soleymani and Carlos Pérez-Albacete Martínez / The access cavity in endodontics: Three rules for a predictable outcome in complex cases / A simple sequence for successful root canal treatment outcomes / The ONE / Hemisection in a molar with a vertical root fracture: Four years of follow-up / Laser treatment of pulpal exposure to potentially avoid endodontic treatment / “DirectEndodontics files indeed represent an intriguing option” - An interview with Dr Alessio Zanza / Manufacturer news / Meetings / Submission guidelines / Imprint /